General Power of Attorney for NRIs w/ Sample PDF

For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) who own property or have financial interests in India, managing these assets from abroad can be challenging.

One solution to this problem is the General Power of Attorney (GPA), which enables NRIs to appoint a trusted person in India to act on their behalf. In this article, we’ll delve into the concept of GPA, its purpose, the required form, and its various applications for NRIs.

What is General Power of Attorney?

A General Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows an individual (the principal) to delegate their authority to another person (the agent) to act on their behalf.

This authority can extend to financial, legal, and property-related matters. The GPA is particularly useful for NRIs who need someone to manage their affairs in India while they are away.

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Purpose of General Power of Attorney for NRIs

The primary goal of the GPA for NRIs is to enable them to appoint a representative in India who can handle their financial, legal, and property-related matters. Some common purposes include:

a. Property Management: The agent can collect rent, pay property taxes, and manage the maintenance of the property.

b. Buying or Selling Property: The agent can sign documents, negotiate terms, and complete transactions related to the purchase or sale of property.

c. Banking Transactions: The agent can operate bank accounts, deposit or withdraw money, and manage investments on behalf of the NRI.

d. Legal Matters: The agent can represent the NRI in court, sign legal documents, and manage any ongoing litigation.

The General Power of Attorney Form

While there isn’t a standardized form for GPA, the document must include the following elements:

a. Names and Addresses: The document should clearly mention the names and addresses of both the principal (NRI) and the agent.

b. Scope of Authority: The GPA must specify the extent of the authority granted to the agent. It should list the tasks the agent is permitted to perform on behalf of the principal.

c. Validity: The duration of the GPA should be explicitly mentioned, including the start and end dates.

d. Governing Law: The document should state that it is governed by the laws of India and subject to the jurisdiction of Indian courts.

e. Revocation Clause: A clause should be included stating that the principal has the right to revoke the GPA at any time.

f. Signatures: The document must be signed by the principal, the agent, and two witnesses.

Attestation and Registration

For the GPA to be legally valid in India, it must be notarized and attested by the Indian Consulate or Embassy in the country where the NRI resides. Once the document is attested, it should be sent to India, where the agent must register it at the local Sub-Registrar’s office.


A General Power of Attorney can be a valuable tool for NRIs seeking to manage their affairs in India from abroad. By understanding the purpose, form, and usage of a GPA, NRIs can efficiently delegate authority to a trusted individual in India to handle their financial, legal, and property-related matters. It is essential to consult with a legal expert to ensure that the GPA is correctly drafted, attested, and registered to avoid any complications or disputes in the future.

Download the Power of Attorney Form for NRIs

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