United Airlines to Start USA to India Flights Soon!

Apparently, United Airlines may be one of the first US airline to restart the much awaited USA to India flights. And that too, pretty soon. Here are the details.

Ministry of Civil Aviation has announced that it has received request from United Airlines to start operations from USA to India and it is being considered by the ministry.

United Airlines, if granted permission, might start flights from Delhi to Mumbai and Newark to San Francisco routes.

At the same time, United Airlines has started bookings for charter flights from Delhi to Newark for 10th, 12th, and 15th July 2020.

This is on approval from the Ministry of Civil Aviation. These tickets will cost around ₹57,000 at the moment. The airlines will, however, not bring passengers from Newark.

If this works out, it’ll be a great help for those NRIs who are trying to move back to India amidst all the chaos currently happening.

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3.

Having lived in the USA for almost 7 years, I got bored and returned back to India. I created this website as a way to curate and journal my experiences. Today, it's a movement with a large community behind it. Feel free to connect! Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn |

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